Duncan Hulin
The principal teacher, founder and director of the Devon School of Yoga. He is a practising Yoga Teacher/Therapist, Shiatsu Practitioner and is also qualified in Ayurvedic Foot Pressure (Chvutty Thirumal) massage. Duncan healed himself of asthma using Yoga Therapy and has practised Yoga for thirty nine years and taught Yoga for thirty three years.
In the early eighties he spent three consecutive winters in South India studying with the late Dr. B.P. Pillai, former director of the Government of India recognised Yoga Therapy Foundation, Trivandrum, Kerala.
Duncan brings a wealth of experience to his holistic Yoga Teaching and Courses. He has worked with teenage students with learning difficulties and has led practical stress management programmes in schools. He also teaches several weekly classes, including for major corporations.
Duncan’s classes follow a traditional authentic approach coming from an holistic, eclectic base incorporating preliminary exercises, breathing kriyas, asana, pranayama, meditation and philosphy.
The Devon School of Yoga offers foundation and teacher training courses, day workshops and weekend residential retreats plus post-graduate Yoga therapy training for Yoga teachers. For details about Duncan’s classes and the Devon School of Yoga’s comprehensive programme please visit Devon School of Yoga site or email: info@devonyoga.com. Alternatively you can call 01392 420573