(MBSR with Andrea Durant and Jacky Slade)
Starting Thursday, December 3rd (time to be confirmed), with a Xmas and New Year break:
The course will be facilitated via the online platform Zoom. Participants will need access to pc/laptop, internet connection and private space. Zoom is fee, user friendly and support can be offered to help install and familiarise with the programme.
The sessions would be two hours long and the cost would be £50 per person for the whole course to cover our supervision (an essential requirement for teachers who adhere to professional Good Practice Guidelines) with a voluntary ‘dana’ contribution at the end if you feel If you have benefitted from our teaching in a significant way. (Public courses are now usually charged between £250 and £300. We feel OK about this approach as this would be the first time we have taught online together, and we may not be seamless in our management of break out rooms and screen share!)
Why would I attend a mindfulness course?
Mindfulness is about our ability to care for ourselves – when things are going well and in the face of challenges and hardship. We know that life is always demanding and Covid 19 has brought an extra layer of difficulty to our lives. Keeping steady and grounded right now, in the midst of fear and uncertainty is all the more important, but all the more difficult.
In this course, our focus is on you – supporting you in learning skills to keep yourself as well as possible, to enhance your resilience and even making space for a shift in your life – from surviving to thriving. It is suitable for anyone open to learning new ways of improving their wellbeing and dealing with stress and low mood – and who is willing to dedicate some time to practicing these skills on a daily basis for the duration of the course.
The benefits of Mindfulness are well documented and expanding. Scientific clinical studies show that an 8-week course can:
Strengthen emotions such as empathy, compassion and happiness.
Develop general self-care and improved management of long-term health conditions.
Improve relationships with others through taking a calmer and less reactive approach to life.
Support resilience in the face of anxiety, worry and low mood. Neuro-science is showing how a mindfulness practice offers enhanced protection against depression and symptoms of burn out, improving sleep quality and energy levels.
Improve concentration and performance allowing you to be more effective in what you do.
However, whilst generally helpful, learning mindfulness is not appropriate everyone. Life events or mental health issues may suggest that you seek other forms of support or pursue a mindfulness course at a later date. We ask for information on our booking forms and undertake telephone calls with everyone before they begin to discuss whether attending a course is right for you at this time.
What does the 8-week course involve?
The course is practical and experiential. It includes:
8 sessions of 2 hours conducted on Zoom
Guided instruction in various mindfulness practices taught in an entirely secular way
Gentle stretching and mindful yoga.
‘What I noticed’ discussion to enhance awareness in everyday life.
Discussion in pairs and small groups as well as in the larger group.
Daily home assignments.
Audio recordings or an App on your phone and a workbook.
How to Apply
Step 1: Get in touch with Andrea via Email as soon as possible: andreaclairdurant@gmail.com
Step 2: Pre course discussion
On receipt the email expressing interest, we will arrange a telephone call to discuss whether the course is appropriate for you at this time and make plans to ensure you have everything you need to start the course.
Course teachers
Andrea Durant has been awarded an MSc in Psychological Therapies Practice and Research in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapies and Approaches from Exeter University and like Jacky adheres to the UK Network’s ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Teachers of Mindfulness’. She has been teaching Yoga and running retreats within the local community for 30 years and also works for the Devon School of Yoga, training students to teach Yoga. Her contact details are: Email: andreaclairdurant@gmail.com Mobile: 07894301019
Jacky Slade has completed the Postgraduate Diploma to teach Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy at Exeter University and adheres to the UK Network’s ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Teachers of Mindfulness’. She is a member of the Mindful Parenting Community (Bristol) Project and committed to supporting the development of mindfulness in adoption and fostering services.